17th Jun 2022

150 years old!


In May 2022  we celebrated the founding of our business 150 years ago by John Stell in 1872, having invented an automatic tube winding machine. We are incredibly proud to be part of this story and to be continuing the legacy of John, the 5 generations of Stell family owner-managers and the incredible support and hard work that Keighley people have given to this business for over a century and a half.

To celebrate this milestone we organised a party at the Coniston Hotel with all our employees and their partners. The event was a huge success with a wonderful ‘Stell’ family atmosphere. The evening also presented an opportunity to celebrate another huge achievement  – the 50 year’s of service Dave Wilson has given to the company. Dave joined Stell in April 1972 and remembers attending our 100th Anniversary dinner – although he also remembers being too young to join in with the drinking!


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